CFO-as-a-Service in Kenya

Why use CFO-as-a-Service

Our CFO-as-a-Service provides businesses with expert financial management capabilities without the need to hire a full-time CFO. This service can be particularly valuable for small to medium-sized enterprises or startups that need strategic financial guidance but are not yet in a position to afford a full-time senior financial executive. A CFO from Revise usually works two to three days a week for your company. This CFO works as closely as possible with you and your colleagues – and best of all together with you in the office, in order to become an integral part of your company.

Keen to go further in professionalising your financial structure and giving your organisation every opportunity to grow? In that case, CFO-as-a-Service is just what you need.


How does CFO-as-a-Servicework?

Following a first acquaintance it’s entirely up to you which tasks you allocate to your brand-new CFO.

These tasks are situated within three domains.

  • Strategy

    Analysing your sales and marketing strategy, financial advice in the case of takeovers, discussions with stakeholders

  • Operations

    Structuring your finances – as the backbone of a healthy business.

  • Regulatory & Compliance

    Optimising your financing mix, reporting clearly and reliably to your shareholders

CFO-as-a-Service vs Outsourced CFO

Revise offeres both CFO-as-a-Service as well as Outsourced CFO services. Learn more about distinctions in how these services are structured and delivered


An Outsourced CFO

A more flexible, scalable approach tailored to specific tasks or projects, such as financial forecasting, strategy development, or fundraising. Service can be delivered on a more ad-hoc basis, focusing on delivering strategic value without deep involvement in daily operations. Typically involves a more comprehensive and traditional role, where the CFO may engage in daily operations, provide in-depth management of the company's finances, and closely integrate with the senior management team.
A more modular and possibly more project-based and periodic, focusing on specific issues or periods (e.g., quarterly reviews, annual planning). Suitable for short-term projects or ongoing but limited advisory roles. Typically a longer-term engagement with a deeper integration into the company's operational and strategic planning. Often involves a commitment that resembles part-time employment.
Ideal for companies requiring strategic financial advice without the need for a full-time executive presence, or businesses that need specialized financial expertise on a flexible basis. More suitable for SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) that need significant financial guidance but cannot justify the expense of a full-time CFO.

Take finding a CFO off of your to-do list today!

Frequently Asked Questions about CFO-as-a-Service in Kenya